5 Subtle Signs That You Have a Dental Emergency
April 23, 2020

Are you experiencing out-of-the-ordinary dental symptoms, even if they’re minor? Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether little problems like a small toothache or minorly chipped tooth warrant calling an emergency dentist in Lewisville. That’s why, in this blog post, we’ll go over some not-so-obvious signs that you need emergency dental care as soon as possible.
(more…)3 Bad Oral Health Habits to Avoid During Quarantine
April 3, 2020

With the constant bleak news updates about COVID-19, stress and anxiety are permeating our daily lives. It’s all too easy to let those feelings overtake us and cause us to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. Unfortunately, some of these bad habits can negatively affect our oral health, leading to problems like broken teeth. To help you combat some of these issues, a dentist in Lewisville discusses some habits to avoid and how to quit them.
(more…)When a Dental Emergency Strikes, Should You Visit the ER?
March 27, 2020

Unfortunately, there’s no way to completely avoid a dental emergency. Therefore, if one strikes, you need to know where to go to get the expert help you need. Your two primary options are to visit an emergency dentist in Lewisville or head to your local ER. During the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s especially important to know which route to take, as hospitals are currently being flooded with patients. Read on to get the valuable information you need to navigate these difficult times.
(more…)If This Happens, Your Dental Implant is Likely Failing
March 7, 2020

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants in Lewisville are considered the crème de la crème. That’s because no other replacement method restores the entire tooth, from the root to the crown. With a 95% success rate across the board, dental implants are known for being extremely durable and their longevity (they can last 30 years or more). Unfortunately, they aren’t infallible; thus, you need to know how to recognize any warning signs of one failing. As you continue reading, a local implant dentist lists some of the symptoms of an inoperative implant and the contributing factors.
(more…)Sick of Your Dentures? Here’s How Dental Implants Can Help
February 6, 2020

When you first got your dentures, you were so excited to be able to eat and smile like a normal person again. However, as the years went by, your new teeth started to not fit in the way they originally did. They sometimes slipped around and would occasionally even fall out of your mouth! If only there were a way to permanently solve this problem. Thankfully, there is – with dentures retained by dental implants in Lewisville. Keep reading to learn how implants can help preserve the health and beauty of your smile for years to come.